The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149044   Message #3747198
Posted By: Donuel
28-Oct-15 - 05:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: It's global warming, stupid!
Subject: RE: BS: It's global warming, stupid!
Will you disable air conditioning you have used the most?
Will you drive a car that requires oil and gas?
Will you give back all income derived from making planned obsolescence items with short lifetimes?

No but that is not your fault.

People who are paid to be climate deniers will not either but it is a corruption that is at fault by the entities who employed them.

For the price of an impenetrable wall at our border we could solarize the metro east coast not including the cost of real estate conundrum.

The art of the possible still needs its hero to make big oil obsolete.

The looming tragedy of fracking compounds our fresh ground water crises.

Awareness of the problem is no more than planning a meeting to discuss a concept to come up with an idea that will defined at a later time.

The inability to breathe in Beijing is barely capable of influencing the slowing of building new coal plants.

Chernobyl and Fukashima was enough to change policy in Germany but not elsewhere.

We have millionaires paid to game the system and knowingly search for safe nuclear dumping grounds they know do not exist.

I am afraid that no disaster will change the direction we have been going. Rebuilding after total catastrophe may not even be enough to avert the ultimate conclusion of global warming and human behavior for which we accidentally chose at the outset of each new technology that promised us warmth and comport.

Maybe there will be a technology that will save us but don't you usually think I am wrong?