The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158436   Message #3747507
Posted By: Mr Red
30-Oct-15 - 10:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: transpond acronyms
Subject: RE: BS: transpond acronyms
"I'm Sorry, I Haven't a Clue" the antidote to panel games. Largely scripted panel game that takes the rise out of the generel idea of radio panel games. eg

the Uxbridge English Dictionary - definitions of words.
One Song to the Tune of Another - totally unsuitable pairings.
and there is always
"Mornington Crescent" based on the London Underground map, getting from one station to Mornington Crescent avoiding obscure undefined rules. Based on a station that for most of the programme's life was (an in joke) shut!

Not currently being broadcast but it will sometime soon see iPlayer. It was a spin-off from the comedy series "I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again" - anarchic sketch based show run by the Cambridge Footlights Crowd some of who became Monty Python. There I think we have a point of reference for our American cousins.