The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29460   Message #374797
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
15-Jan-01 - 08:34 AM
Thread Name: *#1 PEASANT*
Subject: RE: *#1 PEASANT*
It is true that a blackboard is black, that Michael Bolton is a white blues singer and that males who put out fires are firemen, but use the terms at your own peril!

I'd risk it any day. I think I would even if I lived in America. Except I've never heard of Michael Bolton.

I wholly agree with avoiding the use of certain words and phrases which have become inextricable linked with prejudice and discrimination and persecution. But outside this I think it's a mistake to focus too much on the words people use - it can divert attention from what really matters, which are the attitudes that can turn he most inoffensive words into weapons.

Any words can be used to insult or threaten. You can say "Have a nice day" and it comes out as a sneer. You can say "Do come back and see us soon" and it's a threat. "Catholic" and "Protestant" can be used with the same kind of violence and hate as any of the hate-words that are rightly excoriated. Going for the attitude that underlies the use of language is harder, and it doesn't lend itself to the legalistic approach. But anything else is just playing silly and dangerous games.