Too true, Kevin (McG that is) but someone needs to start out to eliminate these silly predjudices somewhere. It is a small inroad into changing peoples attitude when it becomes frowned upon to use these phrases and eventualy these small inroads may help. Unfortunately a number of people have hijacked the PC lobby for their own ends and have not helped anyone by going over the top with stupid rules and so on. I do not know how to address this issue but by discussing it I hope to make my mind up soon.I think understanding is a good way forward which is why I tend to get involved with the racial/other predjudice threads so I can get a good feel for other views. As well as that I find these discussions on the Mudcat both entertaining and stimulating by allowing like minded friends to argue and disagree without 'falling out'.
Intersting thought just came to me. I, for one, have no objection to someone classing all Mancunians as car thieves and football hooligans in jest, and I guess you can handle "Essex Man/Woman" jokes (how are the gold chains and suntan BTW;-)). I don't know how I would feel if it became constant and malicious though. I wonder???
And you're lucky to have missed Michael Boltons version of "Sexual Healing" BTW. IMO not a patch on Marvyn Gaye.
Another idea - perhaps rather than hijack this thread any further we should use PM or start another? Any views?
Cheers and all the best