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Thread #158223   Message #3748442
Posted By: DMcG
04-Nov-15 - 02:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Pope in America
Subject: RE: BS: The Pope in America
You will remember from 1984 that Winston says "Freedom is the right to say 2 + 2 = 4. If that is granted all else follows".The point being that if is not granted all else collapses.

As said, we are talking science. All those
Constraints on acting freely Steve mentioned are predicated on the assumption that beneath it all we could freely choose
But the science isn't about the social constraints. It is whether we have free will at that basic 2 + 2 level. For example one experient asks choose between say blue and green and we can now determine how a subject will decide by monitoring brain.activity and hence obtain their decision before they have decided. That's why they concluded free will appears to be a construct of the conciouws mind.

It is rare for a single experiment to be a game changer so.this oan't either. But the evidence is building that science may disprove free will at that fundamental level. Which, as Orwell points out, impacts all the rest.

It is the implications of this science for scientists I was interested in your views on, Steve, not a general discussion which we could have had decades ago before the sciencific studies had been done.