The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158223   Message #3748597
Posted By: GUEST,Pete from seven stars link
04-Nov-15 - 06:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Pope in America
Subject: RE: BS: The Pope in America
Steve some homework...    Well maybe bill will answer the question, unless of course there is no observational evidence for hardened rocks folding without cracking. And I still reckon, that as the moon has been visited, samples collected, and measurements calculated or whatever else in observational , repeatable science, that it's present .....or minutes recent !.......consistency and features can be pretty confidently settled. Contrast that to collecting data about the long gone past from what's been left to the present, is open to different interpretations ....even among evolution believers...   Added to that is the added problem for evolutionists of not having explanation for when experimentally verified science contradicts the evolution story.          Steve evidence for God. Tell me please, do you think that all there is in the universe is matter and energy ?