The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158448   Message #3748648
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
05-Nov-15 - 04:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: US boots on the ground' in Syria.
Subject: RE: BS: US boots on the ground' in Syria.
You've GOT TO BE kidding me!

For the most part, your post is right off track, so why even comment to it...but there is one thing, you said toward the end, that clearly demonstrates what I posted to you take your myopic blinders off, for just a moment...just a won't hurt, I promise you..OK.....You posted: (In response to Tunisia's post, "Don't discount Israel")
"I don't (if you are referring to me) - a religion-led State, with expansionist, monotheistic aims (and actions) and nuclear weapons - you could hardly miss it, could you."

"Religion" is literally, 'a way of life', usually as on a 'path to God' WHATEVER YOUR GOD MAY BE!!....SO, to some people money, power, and control are the God they serve RIGHT???

Your response can refer to the global corporate/global bankers as well as Israel....BUT the borders and alliances of the above are a 'little less visible', than how you view the countries(including your own) that YOU identify as being a nation. To some, they welcome it, hoping to prosper with others, they see this as a threat to their national identity and sovereignty.

BTW, to some, politics is their religion, others, an ideology which serves them, so they feel justified to manipulate consensuses through organized political parties....don't get bit....(but there are 'snake bite' kits).

Open your eyes....