The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124302   Message #3749176
Posted By: GUEST
08-Nov-15 - 01:23 AM
Thread Name: Songs to the John Brown/Battle Hymn tune
Subject: RE: Songs to the John Brown/Battle Hymn tune
Well, since no one has posted it that I can find on Mudcat, and it is sung to the tune of John Brown's Body, here is the Reed College song. I figure since I am a Reedie, I can mess it up anyway I darn well please!

"Epistemology Forever" Reed College Alma Mater
(Community sing--to the tune of "Battle Hymn of the Republic")

We have sat on rainy mornings in a dusty lecture hall,
We have listened to them holding forth on no damn thing at all,
We have missed an hour's sack time just to hear the clarion call,
The Truth does not exist!

Epistemology forever,
Disputatio so clever,
Metaphysics now or never,
The Truth does not exist!

As we've sat about in conference on a sunny afternoon,
We've been fed a lot of moral pap from Socrates and Hume,
And they feed it to us gently with an imaginary spoon,
The Truth does not exist!

The Truth does not exist!

We discuss the moral notions of the frozen Eskimo,
And whether moral systems hold for all from pole to pole,
And conclude that all of mankind has a truly moral soul,
And time goes by so slow!

And time goes by so slow!

We sit in lectures waiting for a word of common sense,
And we're not about to find it 'cause the lecturer is dense,
So we scribble stupid ditties for our sanity's defense,
For the Truth does not exist!

The Truth does not exist!

Now we spend our time in wondering if we have got free will,
And then we ask, is justice good, but we have had our fill
Of ultimate reality and philosophic swill,
For we do not exist!

For we do not exist!

For many more versions, see