The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158223   Message #3750321
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
12-Nov-15 - 02:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Pope in America
Subject: RE: BS: The Pope in America
I see that I've been accused of bullying Pete. Well, I have to confess, that he does have a tendency to bring out my 'dark side' (we've all got one, haven't we?). But if anyone deserved to be pinched, have his hair pulled and his arm twisted, behind the bike sheds, it's Pete!

Those who know me know that I'm an easy-going, tolerant sort of bloke. My 'default' position is to treat everyone I meet with respect. Nevertheless, on fairly rare occasions, I have the misfortune of meeting someone who doesn't deserve respect! Sadly, in my opinion, Pete is one of the latter. He is:

- narrow-minded and fanatical.

- has a fixed opinion which never changes no matter what reasonable arguments are put to him.

- appears to have no true opinions of his own and also appears to derive all of those opinions from highly biased sources (or source = ''?) which have no credibility in academic circles.

- doesn't know the difference between 'belief' and 'evidence'; he thinks that if he chooses not to believe a proposition that that counts as evidence against the proposition.

- usually completely fails to think anything through. For example, if God created the Universe, where did God come from and where did He get his materials? Pete's usually arbitrarily changes the rules of the debate by declaring that "God is un-knowable" (this pathetic 'argument' has further implications - which we won't go into here).

- doesn't even begin to understand science, its aims and objectives or its underlying philosophy. He appears to believe that science is a sort of quasi-religion - just another belief system.

- he has the temerity to set himself as a sort of expert or authority on evolution when it is obvious that he has read none of the mainstream literature on the subject and derives all of his 'information' from creationist sources.

- posts grossly uninformed, wilfully ignorant drivel which is an insult to thousands of ingenious, open-minded, hard-working scientists both past and present.

Normally, if accused of bullying, I would hang my head in shame but sadly Pete deserves everything he gets!