The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29597 Message #375046
Posted By: Lepus Rex
15-Jan-01 - 03:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: For the good of our country
Subject: RE: Help: For the good of our country
I still hope he fails miserably, and I hope the country suffers horribly under his regime. I doubt that it will, but people need to learn that there are consequences for stupid votes. But my evil wishes are directed more at 'Dubya' himself. In fact, I hope he comes down with some horrible (but not fatal) venereal disease, gotten from a Moroccan boy-whore. And I hope his wife leaves him for a lesbian Communist, and I hope his daughters are impregnated by goats. And I hope his brother falls down a well, and his parents hijack a school bus. Yup.