The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146595   Message #3751340
Posted By: Jim Carroll
16-Nov-15 - 11:38 AM
Thread Name: Can a pop song become traditional?
Subject: RE: Can a pop song become traditional?
"I've never gone out of my way to upset purists ear-fingerers or anyone really"
Sorry Jim, but I find "inviting vitriol from purists" pretty offensive - the term itself is pretty offensive - sort of like calling the man who asks for salmon and is given butterbeans a pedant -after all, it's all food!!
Nobody "rejects" any form of music - our collection ranges from Maria Callas to Frank Sinatra, some opera, blues, jazz 1930s swing, music hall... an extremely catholic collection.   
The fact that we don't accept a type of music as traditional doesn't mean we don't listen to it or like it.
I actively don't like modern pop for all sorts of reasons not relevant here, but that's about it.
THere is nothing whatever blinkered about either not counting music as traditional or even disliking some music - that's called "taste" and it is somewhat arrogant to suggest that there is something wrong with us because we all don't like that same things.
One of the best singers we ever recorded was a blind Irish Travelling woman with a repertoire of somewhere between 100 and 200 traditional songs (never managed to record them all)
She could have doubled the number of songs she gave us with her Country and Western songs but despite our requests for her to sing them, she refused saying "they're not what you want - I only ing them 'cause they're what the lads ask for down the pub".
In the five years we knew her she refused to sing one of them, though it was very much a part of what we did to have recorded them.
Sharp may have missed some, but what he got was a treasure trove and we can only speculate what he missed.
Jim Carroll