The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146595   Message #3752144
Posted By: Jim Carroll
19-Nov-15 - 02:58 PM
Thread Name: Can a pop song become traditional?
Subject: RE: Can a pop song become traditional?
"hould have known Mr Carroll would bring Bob D into this, it really is very predictable, isn't it? "
You brought him in earlier Jim with your story about his bad manners two people mentioned him beforehand.
Not really interested in him in one way other the other - just your apparent admiration for his bad behaviour.
Wonder wwhy it's a no-no to criticise him yet take a pop at Ewan, (as is your wont) who has been dead for over half a century   
Your double-standards are showing!
It's never "right" to shout down a fellow singer - take him/her aside and explain your likes and dislikes to him/her by all means - but the way Davenport has been known to behave wouldn't be accepted at a Celtic-Rangers match without someone throwing a bottle.
"I wasn't at the Musical Traditions club in London when the other alleged incident occurred"
It wasn't "alleged" -it happened and was commented on by several members of the audience - why shouldn't it have happened - you've described him behaving in the same way.
"Where is your 'Singers' club' now, Jim?"
The same place a dozen or so clubs Bob was involved in - The Empress of Russia - The Fox - and at least half a dozen others visted when I lived in London.
However - MacColl, Seeger and others of The Singers left a legacy that is still being celebrated - just made two radio programmes to celebrate his 100th
I already knew September Song long before I heard Bob sing it.
"I'm also extremely grateful for their contribution to the 'tradition'. "
Nice to know we agree on something
"Let's just get on with the music"
Fine by me - you get on with it your way and I'll get on with it mine- for me, that means finding out where it came from.
To be honest - I really am not unhappy with what Pat and I have managed to do with the songs and information we have gathered and passed on - and we've managed it without telling people what they should be doing!
Jim Carroll   