The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158223   Message #3752639
Posted By: Steve Shaw
22-Nov-15 - 07:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Pope in America
Subject: RE: BS: The Pope in America
Talk about repetitive. How many times have you now used the keep-'em-at-arm's-length reference to "what you hold sacred"? You ask me what it is you haven't addressed (not that I care that you haven't, but since you ask). I've asked you over and over again why you find it difficult to support telling children the plain truth. Why you prefer to see them having myths fed to them as truth. And please spare me your he-who-is-within-and-without, deeper truths stuff. That is not what children are told in schools. The plain truth, not an opinion, is that there is no evidence for the existence of a deity. The plain truth is that you have to accept magic and suspend disbelief in order to accommodate him. The PLAIN TRUTH is that stories in gospels about miracles and coming back from the dead and virgin births are NOT TRUE. Honesty dictates that children are told in plain words that these things are stories, just as the Grimm fairy tales are stories, and that they should not believe them as truth unless they have evidence confirming them (which you know full well they will never get). I have absolutely no issue with parables and stories used to convey messages, as long as it's always made clear that the actual stories are not true. Great idea. But that is not what happens. They come away thinking that these are true stories, not just myths with messages like Aesop's Fables. It's no good keeping telling us that Joe Offer and his kids understand all this, but Joe Offer spent years studying theology, unlike 99.9% of other Catholics (or is it twenty, or maybe eight...) And you have a whole plethora of hymns and prayers that they have to learn to confirm this pack of LIES. But honesty will lose you members and you know it. I've asked you to justify this and you haven't, not just "to my satisfaction," but not at all. You call me a not very nice person (even though you've never met me) for putting this challenge to you. Too bad. You accuse me of visiting websites that I don't even know exist and you insinuate that I somehow must have had horrible Catholic experiences, both stabs in the dark and completely unfounded (and not true), and very judgemental, something you're not supposed to be if I remember correctly. If I'm not very nice, you are in denial about the real truth and you don't seem to care if you pass this brand of sheer dishonesty to children. And don't get me started about how you have to mangle science in order to make it fit your belief system. You are supposed to be an intelligent man and you have been known to say many intelligent things on this board. So wassup!