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Thread #158223   Message #3752802
Posted By: Joe Offer
23-Nov-15 - 12:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Pope in America
Subject: RE: BS: The Pope in America
By the way, let me make it clear that I don't think it's very important whether Mary was a virgin or not. It's part of the foundational myth/story of the Catholic faith, so I accept it. As I teach my students in Bible study, it's important to respect the integrity of the story. Better to take the story as it is, and not worry too much about what is myth and what is factual. Save the arguments for the crucial matters.

Pete holds to a more direct method of creation. He believes in a God who can do anything, so why can't such a God create a world in whatever way that God deigns to create? He has a point there. It's not the way I see things, but what good does it do for me to fight him about it? Face it people, Pete is never going to accept the idea of evolution as factual. No amount of derision is going to change his mind. That being the case, then the derision is just derision - and what's the value of that?

I suppose I don't hold on to my Creed quite so tightly. I see it as enlightening my understanding of God, not as contradicting science. I figure that if the creed is supposed to be literally true, then there will someday be a way to reconcile the Creed and science. In the meantime, I'll heed science for scientific things and religion for religious things. And it will all work out in the end, without my having to disprove either science or my creed. And generally, I don't think most modern Christians hold onto beliefs as some would have us think. I just don't think most people see such a chasm separating science and religious faith.

And as for me, the most important aspect of my faith is the 25th chapter of the Gospel of Matthew:This is the only time in the Bible that Jesus describes the Last Judgment. Note that it is based completely on serving those in need, not in sexual morality or in having possession of the Truth. Jesus gives this list four times, which makes me think it is of primary importance.

So, while you people argue about who's right and who's wrong, I'll go work at the homeless shelter. See you later. Don't kill each other in the process.
