The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158223   Message #3752955
Posted By: GUEST,Pete from seven stars link
23-Nov-15 - 01:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Pope in America
Subject: RE: BS: The Pope in America
Part 2 bill is tolerant of people's beliefs as long as they keep them out of politics and schools....    This presupposes that only Christians and others of theist persuasion have beliefs.   But this is not true. Atheists try to squirm out of the predicament by claiming theirs is an absence of belief , but it is obvious to me that if you believe there is no god ,you must believe. that the universe got here by itself. And that materialism is all there is , or that anything else derives from it.      Secondly, though perhaps Christians should not be involved in party politics , ie equating only one party with with Christianity, Christians are called to confront, or at least decline submission to the system when it would involve accepting anything contradictory to biblical belief or morality. Much social reform followed from Christians involved in politics , following their convictions.