The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158635   Message #3753225
Posted By: GUEST,punkfolkrocker
24-Nov-15 - 01:34 PM
Thread Name: Inaccuracies in June Tabor article
Subject: RE: Inaccuracies in June Tabor article
"the rugged hinterlands between Wales and England"

would that be my mythical homeland ... Scrumpyshire...????

The glorious land of council estates, closed down factories, dilapidated seaside attractions, rehab hostels
burnt out for insurance pubs & hotels, empty whitewashed windows shops, failed & bankrupt property developments...

ah.. yes that wonderful hinterland between Wales and England... 😜

Unless June Tabor literally resides on one of the tiny seagull shit encrusted islands in the middle of the Bristol Channel.....?????