The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29564 Message #375347
Posted By: harpgirl
16-Jan-01 - 12:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Florida Folk Festival Camping
Subject: RE: BS: Florida Folk Festival Camping
...I had a long talk about the Festival and changes which we might see in the future with Doug Gauss last Friday night. I didn't see this on the application when I read it! But I bet Paul is right. Ken is aware of the "pay to play" problem....
Unfortunately, festival changes will reflect the 25% budget cut over the next five years that Jeb is pushing as well as the privatization of certain state park functions. Just having the festival during a time when it isn't too hot will improve ticket revenues.
I played music with Randy Judy this weekend in Jax, and that got me thinking about why the Suwannee Springfest is so much more successful in terms of ticket sales even though the price is high!! Lots of camping for everyone and the chance to jam all weekend with anyone in the campground is definitely a draw! And he doesn't have three hundred performers nor attempt to please every cultural group in Florida in one festival....