The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158655   Message #3754639
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
30-Nov-15 - 10:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Reducing the UK welfare bill
Subject: RE: BS: Reducing the UK welfare bill
"Is it me?????"

No, Raggytash, it's an arrogant, patronising Tory tw*t.

All your bluster and bar-room, Daily Mail inspired 'economic theorising', Teribus can't hide the fact that you and your fellow Tory tw*ts are all gigantic snobs. What you really want to see is the people, who you regard as belonging to the 'lower orders', kept in their place. You do realise though, don't you, that the Old Etonians at the top regard you and your ilk as belonging to the lower orders - and they'll be coming for you next!

And you don't like the fact that I despise the neo-liberal, free market economic dogma that is currently wrecking our society and the planet? Well, I have listened to myself and I find myself in full agreement with the Canadian journalist and author, Naomi Klein who sums it up very nicely, I think, by calling neo-liberalism a "licence to steal".

Ms Klein used that phrase in her book, 'This Changes Everything' which is about climate change. And that should remind us that no politician - of whatever hue - has the faintest clue what to do about the appalling mess that our species (and our current economic systems)has made of our environment. Although our current crop of politicians probably think, in private, that the environment is irrelevant it still keeps rising relentlessly up the political agenda (which is why they're all in Paris this week). Just think, Teribus, in another couple of generations your pathetic 'poor bashing' will be irrelevant as the sterilised, de-nuded continents sink beneath the waves.