The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158655   Message #3754887
Posted By: Teribus
01-Dec-15 - 09:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Reducing the UK welfare bill
Subject: RE: BS: Reducing the UK welfare bill
"your views all seem to flow from your main apparent belief that the lower orders (and Johnny Foreigner) - and the ordinary soldier - should know their place."

Really Bridge - "seem to", "apparent" - Hate to bring it to your attention but your side of the political spectrum are the ONLY ones who witter on about "the lower orders" - to me no such category exists - you appear to be the only one banging on about people "knowing their place". Your post is an attempt to put me in mine.

You could of course confound us all on this forum by actually follow up your idiotic and baseless allegation by coming up with some substantiation - but I won't hold my breath. All in all that last post of yours is just yet another cowardly hit and run, which to me on this forum is water off a ducks back, all you are succeeding in doing is demeaning yourself.