The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158655   Message #3754896
Posted By: GUEST,Musket
01-Dec-15 - 09:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Reducing the UK welfare bill
Subject: RE: BS: Reducing the UK welfare bill
You see, there's the problem Bridge. Whilst you were at your public school, privilege and Law School, learning how to prey on misery as a solicitor whilst voting Tory, I actually was a striking miner. Like 97% of all NUM members, I went back when Scargill's criminality and exploiting us for his own narrow political gains became apparent to us all.

Funny how he dare not show his face in Barnsley these days. Most of us equate the crook with his stable mate Th*tcher. He delivered her agenda perfectly. His legal team kept his corruption quiet for him for years. Makes you proud to have your articles eh?

Supporting Th*tcher is something you did. I actually was "the enemy within" and some of us actually did the sacrifice (lost my home, bailiffs asking us to choose between keeping pram or pushchair) that you could only sit and dream of whilst quaffing Chateau Reynella at black tie Law Society dinners.

I had two bottles of champagne. One called Margaret that has now been drunk and before long, I can pop the cork on Arthur. Armchair socialists need not apply for a drink.