The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123070 Message #3755001
Posted By: Bat Goddess
01-Dec-15 - 05:27 PM
Thread Name: Bill Staines and Paul McNeill
Subject: RE: Bill Staines and Paul McNeill
Does anyone have a copy of the lyrics to "Midway"?
I was doing some poking about today online and found a copy of Bill and Renee singing it, and that shook loose my memories of Tom Hall (Curmudgeon) singing it back in the early 1980s. Tom stopped singing it for some reason (too many trad songs to sing, I suppose) and, though I often requested it, just never sang it again. (When people would ask me to request a song from Tom, I'd always tell them -- semi-jokingly -- that I was the last person they should ask to request it. No matter how many years we were married, it seemed as if he was less likely to sing anything I requested.)
Anyway, the tune is back in my head and I'D like to start singing it. Always liked the song and I have fond memories of Tom singing it. I think I've heard Paul sing it, too. The recording quality (of the Bill and Renee album) isn't the best and I may have problems if I try to transcribe it.
I suppose I could go through Rocky or Lesley Moore to get the lyrics from Paul, but if someone has them, I'd appreciate it.