The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158655   Message #3755622
Posted By: akenaton
04-Dec-15 - 08:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Reducing the UK welfare bill
Subject: RE: BS: Reducing the UK welfare bill
Aye I'm with you there Teribus....on politicians and lawyers.

And on un-named guests who have nothing to say on the subject under discussion. Only inane insult and indecipherable "wit".

I don't agree with you about the best way to conduct the campaign against the Jihad i's.
Constructing a western coalition to oppose Russia and Assad's troops seems crazy.......the opportunity is there to form a United front against ISIS including a proper army of ground troops...and as I have said already co-operation over THIS issue could lead to further progress between West and East over trade, climate change and many other issues
Putin has already offered to join such a coalition under the UN banner

Regarding Assad, he has been battling these scum for years....and I don't suppose that someone with your knowledge would visualise a "liberal democratic government" surviving in Syria should he be forcibly removed.