The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29511   Message #375625
Posted By: Skeptic
16-Jan-01 - 04:54 PM
Thread Name: Conservative Cavalry Round THREE!!!
Subject: RE: Conservative Cavalry Round THREE!!!
Where does it stop. After all, its not just alcohol and illeagal drugs that can impair judgement or reflexes. If my doctor prescribes a medication with demonstrated side effects that impair motor skills and judgement to correct a chemical imbalance or to help me through a crisis, should I be allowed to own a gun/operate a vehicle.

Or prosecute/defend a criminal? Or perform open-heart surgery. If I'm impaired, shouldn't I be prohibited from practicing law, medicine or whatever might cause harm or death?

And it's not just guns that have the potential to harm self/others. Power tools, chemicals.... the list could go on for pages.

Ah, but drunk driving causes more harm than a drunk lawyer? Not if you're the one who has to do the time. Or the victim of the criminal who didn't do time because of an impaired prosecutor. Or the patient whose doctor mis-diagnosis or mistreats something?

Where to start is no easier than where to stop.

Regards John