The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158724   Message #3756587
Posted By: Bill D
07-Dec-15 - 08:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: President Bernie Sanders?
Subject: RE: BS: President Bernie Sanders?
"...her unfavorable rating is so high that if she is elected President many Americans, including Democrats, will distrust and resist her."

Aww.. Ebbie- "rating"?? I seem to remember that Truman had a high negative rating....until he did some things.

90% of the change from her mostly positive ratings a couple or years ago to these unfavorable ones now are a direct result of Republicans yelling "Benghazi" and "Emails" on every program available. It makes very little difference how many times accusations & insinuations are answered and explained... what many people 'hear' are the accusations-- studying the answers takes time and *gasp*.. thinking.
The #%$@*&&^%$ Republicans have NO one competent to offer, so they throw mud- just as they did at Obama from Day 1! (No...sorry... they throw mud and Gerrymander districts and lie about changing the voting laws.)

Right now, I can't imagine the country as a whole electing Trump or Carson...or...etc., so all best guesses are that either Clinton or Sanders will win. Personally, I can live with voting for either one. If I could push a magic button, there are various others I'd rather see... but they are not running- (probably because Hillary was assumed to be a shoe-in until recently). Who? Oh, I'd vote for Barney Frank in a moment... or Al Franken.. or Ed Markey.. or Sherrod Brown...or...yes.... Joe Biden! And if you want women, I'd trust and have confidence in Diane Feinstein or Tammy Baldwin (though she needs more seasoning & experience)..or even Maria Cantwell of Washington State..though she has no profile right now.... and those are just Senators! (Heck.. I'd rather have Claire McCaskill of Missouri than anyone the Republicans are offering...)

I am just bewildered at this political season. I have watched politics since Eisenhower/Stevenson, and I never thought I'd see such irrelevant CRAP being used as reasoning for voting.