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Thread #158724   Message #3756696
Posted By: gillymor
08-Dec-15 - 08:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: President Bernie Sanders?
Subject: RE: BS: President Bernie Sanders?
While my politics align more closely with Sanders than any other of the available candidates I see HC as the best option with Martin O'Malley a not so close second (based only on his lack of electability). Mrs. Clinton displays a grasp of the issues that no other candidate possesses, Republican or Democrat, and in those bogus Benghazi hearings she seemed like the only adult in the room.

I agree with Bill that a Sanders administration would bring gridlock to new heights (or depths) and we'd be subjected to Freedom Forum induced impeachment votes at regular intervals on the grounds that he is a socialist and therefore "Unamerican". No Democratic president will be able to accomplish much if the makeup of congress doesn't shift but a Republican president would be a disaster for the present and future generations of the U.S. If the GOP were in a position to pick SCOTUS nominees and sign into law some of the anti-human legislation that comes from this congress you can just about wave goodbye to most of the social programs that alleviate misery and bring at least a modicum of fairness to this society. Anyone using that tired old argument that Republicans and Democrats are all the same has sawdust where their brain was meant to be.