The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29635   Message #375684
Posted By: catspaw49
16-Jan-01 - 06:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Snog of the Week 1-16-01
Subject: RE: BS: Snog of the Week 1-16-01
HEY MATT!!!! And where's your mention of "HOTTIES" anyway???

Well, I think y'all are hot, but then again, coming from me that doesn't carry much weight! I didn't notice any white socks in the pix and Bonnie, something nekkid might have been nice, but I take what I can get. Then again, I also know that Little Ricky stares at you and I hate to think of him all hot and bothered.

Here are a couple of Ol' Spaw's grandest and sloppiest SOGGIN'SNOGS heading for both of you!!!

