The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29564   Message #375745
Posted By: Banjer
16-Jan-01 - 07:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Florida Folk Festival Camping
Subject: RE: BS: Florida Folk Festival Camping
Unfortunately thgis trend is not limited to just music festivals. Many CW reenactments are starting to charge anywhere from $5 to $15 per head to participate. I'm sorry, but I will NOT drag almost two thousand dollars worth of cannon and related equipment, three tents, assorted ancilary equipment, not to mention in many cases taking time off from work to participate in an event designed to make money for the host unit(s), and then have to PAY for the priviledge. Don't get me wrong, if it can be shown that the money is like a 'donation' and will be used to help those less priviliged than I, there is no problem. But just to charge for the sake of lining someone's pockets is a whole nother story! I applaud Troll for the stand taken in this matter. Perhaps if enough folks in whatever field of performance stuck together we could defeat a lot of this bunk.