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Thread #158747   Message #3758116
Posted By: Airymouse
13-Dec-15 - 12:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Thru the eyes of reality show America
Subject: RE: BS: Thru the eyes of reality show America
Report: ABC World News Tonight Has Devoted 81 Minutes To Trump, One Minute To Sanders
Blog ››› December 11, 2015 9:40 AM EST ››› ERIC BOEHLERT
Does that ratio seem out of whack? That's the ratio of TV airtime that ABC World News Tonight has devoted to Donald Trump's campaign (81 minutes) versus the amount of TV time World News Tonight has devoted to Bernie Sanders' campaign this year. And even that one minute for Sanders is misleading because the actual number is closer to 20 seconds.
That's the rather stunning revelation from the Tyndall Report, which tracks the various flagship nightly news programs on NBC, CBS and ABC. The Report's campaign findings cover the network evening newscasts from January 1 through the end of November.