The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158784   Message #3758347
Posted By: GUEST
14-Dec-15 - 10:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
It gets tedious hearing these GOP candidates recount their hard scrabble lives. It sounds like pander. Rubio talks about his immigrant parents washing dishes and collecting pop bottles (or whatever) to make ends meet. Lindsay Graham talks about his parents owning a liquor store, a bar and a pool room (sounds like they might've actually made some money). Cruz talks about his alcoholic dad leaving the family then getting religion and reuniting with the family and eventually becoming a pastor. More power to whatever gets you sober and your life back on track, but that religious predilection to hawk Jesus as if He were a used car seems to have rubbed off on Cruz. Cruz has this faux-earnestness etched into his countenance at all times that comes off as insincere when he's talking about political ideals. He should just own the whole image and don some sort of sparkly televangelist gaudy suit and conduct his speeches with a Bible in one hand and a crucifix in the other. All of these candidates will probably reiterate how hard they've had it growing up and how it made them into the sleazy politicians they are today in the next GOP debate on Tuesday.