The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158525   Message #3758643
Posted By: Jim Carroll
15-Dec-15 - 05:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Jingoism or Commemoration
Subject: RE: BS: Jingoism or Commemoration
"Chapter and verse please Jom - or is this just more Made Up Shit"
You've had it - you are lying - just as you lied about being ablt to trace Tommy's war record
"said that he had never seen anyone suffering from shellshock -"
He nevr claimed to - he said he hadn't - bu#t he almost certainly had served with soldiers who had - it was a common condition - but he's still a liar eh?
The other information is as valid as your claim that Tommy Kenny ever served - you can trace one soldier - you can trace them all -I've given you details of one decorated war hero - no cigar
"so are they all liars"
are you claiming you have evidence that they denied their existence?
Of course Ifucking can't - nobody can - but Paxman devoted half a programme on it and you've been given the actual posters that were used - a dzen of them.
"903 and 1916 was booming, it was expanding at a terrific rate"
Utter made-up bollocks - not for a school leaver it wasn't - and I do know this from my own family experience.
Now fuck off and get some real uninvented "facts"
Jim Carroll