The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29646   Message #375877
Posted By: Paul G.
16-Jan-01 - 10:56 PM
Thread Name: 'High Strung' Strings
Subject: 'High Strung' Strings
Hello all -- Does anyone know of an on-line site that offers Nashville High Strung guitar string sets? I've been either ordering single strings by gauge, or cannibalizing (sp?) 12-string sets. For those who aren't familiar with the concept, the Nashville high strung effect is obtained by using the equivalent of the "high" strings from a 12 string guitar set to string a 6-string guitar. The effect is enchanting, particularly in a guitar heavy group like mine where it ads a nice high-end texture -- almost harpsichord sound...any of you experts know where I can buy them complete?

Thanks in advance --
