The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158817   Message #3759536
Posted By: Jim Carroll
19-Dec-15 - 03:54 AM
Thread Name: History and mythology of WW1
Subject: RE: History and mythology of WW1
"No Jom - you have been asked a specific question either answer it or keep out of it."
You have been asked dozens of direct questions (morality of a war that sent so many young lads to their deaths for instance, or good leadership vs butchery, or a war for territory by Empires capable of slaughtering 10 million of its colonials, profiteering on ceramic poppies (now for sale on Ebay at around £200 a go.....) - you have refused to respond to each and every one of them.
Your technique is to bully and bluster your case as if they are indisputable facts, and when you are proven wrong, you do a runner.
You did the same with your fatuous arguments on the Famine - when presented with documented facts you clam up and refuse to respond.   
I have no intention of continuing with this farce - as far as I'm concerned enough facts have been given for those in any doubt to make up their mind and "two dissenters don't make a summer" as they nearly say, even if those two particular swallows consider themselves sparrowhawks in Supermen suits!
"Scots and their bagpipes"
Referred to as "the ladies from Hell" when they were seen coming up the D-Day Beaches.
Jim Carroll