The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158817   Message #3760039
Posted By: Jim Carroll
21-Dec-15 - 06:25 AM
Thread Name: History and mythology of WW1
Subject: RE: History and mythology of WW1
Missed a bit
" The school that suffered the highest mortality rate among its former pupils was ETON"
Once more you are presenting distorted "facts"
The ages of pupils of schools like Eton far exceeded those attending working class schools - who left at as low as 12 and 13 years of age.
Toffee nosed school tended to make a thing about "fallen pupil" where working class schools didn't go in for that sort of thing.
" The bulk of the volunteers in 1914/1915 came from the middle-classes"
You have always claimed that the British people flocked to join up as a patriotic duty - now you are claiming that it was mainly the midle classes who did so - presumably the working classses, who formd the majority of the population had the good sense to stay away!!!
Are you ****** mad - be consistent in your stupidity - that's the secret
Jim Carroll