The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158817   Message #3760418
Posted By: Jim Carroll
23-Dec-15 - 03:50 AM
Thread Name: History and mythology of WW1
Subject: RE: History and mythology of WW1
"No one argues for me."
Nobody should have to argue for anybody, but if you are going to intervene in these hit-'n-run postings you should be prepared to argue for yourself and not snipe away from the undergrowth.
If you don't mind, Lilo seems to suit your behaviour better - an inflatable rubber bed full of air, #rather than Hilo - a large Hawaiian city - or a cappella quartet from my youth.
I seem to remember the times our paths have crossed, you have posted in the same trollish, hit and run manner you have here.
You are entitled to act the way you do, just as I am entitled to respond to you the way I do.
I YOU have anything to say, please say in and stop sniping it from th safety of distance.
At least Keith's and Cap'n Pugwash's inanities are occasionally afoored some entertainment and occasionally require a little checking (when they are not delivered from a position of imagined superiority) - yours do not.
Jim Carroll