The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158817   Message #3760529
Posted By: Jim Carroll
23-Dec-15 - 02:45 PM
Thread Name: History and mythology of WW1
Subject: RE: History and mythology of WW1
"You have stepped beyond history and into the world of political philosophy, "
That's really what this is all about and far from being complicated (as our betters would, have us believe) it really is as simple as right and wrong.
Nobody here has responded to the suggestion that the present system we live under has outlived its purpose and is no longer fit for purpose - go and look at the rapidly growing poverty, homelessness, unemployment..... and the wanton destruction of the planet for profit.
We know how our couple of Tory Boys would react if they had the balls - everything is fine and those who wish to change things only feel that way out of "jealousy" - we've already had that from Pugwash 'ere, who also told us we should all get on our bikes, despite the cost to our families, if there's no work in our area - Tebbitt rides again.
No wonder the Tory Party are having such problems over bullying at the moment - these people are political thugs - Blackshirts writ small.
Jim Carroll