The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158818   Message #3760594
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
23-Dec-15 - 08:40 PM
Thread Name: Obit: Keith A of Hertford Nov. 2018
Subject: RE: BS: chemotherapy
A friend who helped his wife beat a "death sentence" of a cancer some years ago, recently sent me the following for a friend whose husband was refusing her the use of cannibis:
This info/source is as conventional as it gets, with reticence in terms of hemp/cannabis as having cancer curing qualities/potential, but still opening the door politely....
Second: introduce hubby to the fact that conventional cancer treatment in North America is dollar driven, and cheap cures are anathema; or, in more simple language, cures = loss of medical/pharmaceutical income. Just a fact.
Third: Encourage hubby to educate himself: Go on internet and type in "cannabis and cancer" etc.
For example: (headline:
Cannabis reduces tumor growth in study)

My friend's wife is alive and healthy and working as a nurse.