The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29646   Message #376112
Posted By: catspaw49
17-Jan-01 - 09:10 AM
Thread Name: 'High Strung' Strings
Subject: RE: 'High Strung' Strings
Paul, I started looking for this after you posted last night and I haven't found a thing. I too do the same as Jed, although not in that quantity, and have worked out the best gauges for me, but I had never considered that anyone might package a set.

I can't find anything yet, but I'll be interested in hearing from some of the others on this. I'll keep exploring a bit.

HEY JED!!.......Are you still using high string on the backpacker? Did you also tune it up a 5th? Or am I remembering it wrong? I borrowed a friends to play with and I was gonna' PM you about it.
