The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158817   Message #3761143
Posted By: Jim Carroll
27-Dec-15 - 03:02 PM
Thread Name: History and mythology of WW1
Subject: RE: History and mythology of WW1
"This old man's story has changed quite dramatically since the day first introduced us to Tommy Kenny, that story has altered by Jom to cover all the glaring anomalies that have been pointed out to him - Now we have the admission by Jom that Tommy Kenny NEVER, EVER, actually saw anyone being shot by the military police in the situations and circumstances he first described."
Once again you are reduced to simply lying
At no time have I claimed Tommy witnessed and execution – courts martials were not public events, nor were executions
Tommy's account – which you have been given several times, said that men were picked up for walking away from the noise, were tried and sentenced to death.
What you were told was that Tommy was fighting next to someone one minute, then shortly afterwards reading a notice saying their earlier sentence had been carried out.
If there was a push on thy were taken from where they were being held, placed in the front line and if they survived, were then taken out and executed.
That is the account Tommy gave which was recorded by four of us, and is housed in the British Library along with the rest of our collection (and in The Traditional Music Archive in Dublin)
If you can come up with an alternative account – do so – otherwise you have bee4n proved once again the liar you are.
You will find no other "version" of this story – on the contrary – in order to prove Tommy never served you claim to have researched his name and could only come up with four other Tommy Kennys – none from Liverpool.
When I gave you my uncle's name (a medal winner) – you came up with no information and said that it was not possible to research soldiers names how the **** did you come up with four Tommy Kennys if you aren't a liar?
Similarly, you have tried to denigrate Harry Patch as a liar or gullible because he only "served for three months"
The time Patch served was on The Western Front – he was wounded out at Passchendaele
The average life expectancy in action was six weeks – Patch served sixteen – I would have thought that would have elicited a little respect from even wee jobbies like you pair – obviously not.
At least it was enough time to pick up the information that has got up your nose enough to lie like a politician.
Why on earth do you sink to such depths – more than a little sick, don't you think?
There is no reason for us not to believe Tommy Kenny served ; we met some of his old mates at his funeral, we saw his photo in uniform – both his and Harry Patch's experiences makes shit of your defence of this squalid bloodbath.
You have yet to explain how you found four Tommy Kennys while you couldn't find one Jerry Carroll
You have to produce another version of Tommys Story
You have to explain how this war of attrition – sending wave after wave of young men to their deaths – was not efficient butchery but good leadership
You have to explain how "good leadership" led to the defeat at Loos – The Dardanelles, the massive loss of life at the beginning of the Somme, the wrong ammunition fiasco and the internecine in-fighting that was taking place between the wartime Government and the Military...... and all the other sit that happened, can possibly be described as "good leadership"
No hurry – we've waited this long
And please stop lying so stupidly – it's become embarrassing to watch you humiliate yourself.
Keith remains the joke he always was      
Jim Carroll