The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29646   Message #376122
Posted By: JedMarum
17-Jan-01 - 09:24 AM
Thread Name: 'High Strung' Strings
Subject: RE: 'High Strung' Strings
Yes Spaw - I am still playing that reconfigured Backpacker. I never really thought I'd use it as much as I do, but I have become quite dependent upon it!

It works well with the band in that sort of Mandolin range (especially capoed up) and in the bouzouki style (especially in the lower ranges) - but I have found it has two other advantages even as a solo instrument; 1) it finger picks beautifully for songs in keys lower on neck (I have it tuned to an open D - so keys D E and F are particularly nice) 2) it has a marvelous ukelele quality for hard strumming on some fast tunes (however, this can add to my breakage problems).

I have really enjoyed this instrument, and learned to overcome some of its short comings. It mics pretty well, but (fortunately for band situations) sounds great through my "Pick-up the World" pick-up and a pre amp. I am wearing the thing out, and will end up replacing it one day, if I keep playing it at te rate I currently do - but, they're pretty cheap.