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Thread #158817   Message #3761247
Posted By: Jim Carroll
28-Dec-15 - 04:06 AM
Thread Name: History and mythology of WW1
Subject: RE: History and mythology of WW1
"So all those posts of yours SCREAMING about Military Police and then latterly "Special Squads of Military Policemen" lined up behind our gallant chaps about to "Go Over The Top" with specific instructions to shoot them if they didn't get out of the trenches are just a load of bollocks are they Jom?"
No - the only bollocks here is your lying claims that I have altered my Tommy Kenny story at any time - which you have not acknowledged, nor will you.
Are you now claiming that what I have put up is based on my experience of spending three days recording an old man talking of his experiences as a soldier.
"Jom NO MAN under arrest OR punishment can bear arms in the British Army - HAVE YOU GOT THAT ? THAT IS A FACT "
Another "fact" for which you provide no evidence!!
I believe that it is against regulations for an officer to strike a man under his authority, yet it was common for officers to use their sticks to beat men out of the trenches and into the field
The story of the special squads and summary executions had nothing to do with Tommy - you appear to have linked to thee story put up by a man who recorded the facts from his grandfather, just as we recorded Tommy's story - it seems you have lumped them all into one to make it easier for you to denigrate one old soldier. .   
You have attempted to denigrate Tommy's story - you have claimed his war record doesn't exist, you said he lied to take the piss out of us (including his grandson), in front of his mates in the pub.
You do the same with Harry Patch - only served four months on the Western Front.
You are a real pieces of low-life - true patriots all .
"The defeat at Loos – F**K All to do with Haig"
Who the **** said it had - stop making things up
I have not commented on Haig's leadership, or any individuals - that would have meant only one bad apple instead of the ****** shambles of sending inexperienced young men to their deaths instead of the ****** bloody shambles of an incompetent higher command who couldn't agree fighting with the politicians back home that it was - you couldn't hope to organise a works outing on that basis, never mind a war.
You refuse to respond to the cock-ups, you refuse to refuse to respond to the morality of sending so many young men to their deaths, you refuse to respond to the fact that this was done in order to continue a system which exploited the people of the world - a system that was due to collapse a few decades later anyway (when another equally rapacious method was found to Carry on Exploiting (I think the 'Carry On' team dipped out by not making that one)
Your entire argument is made up of deliberate lies on your part and Establishment makkie-ups: a "classless" army, pre-Tolpuddle democracy, a Liverpool flowing with Milk and Honey, soldiers ignoring the massive recruiting campaigns and going to their deaths willingly, like lemmings - Barbara Cartland couldn't have made it up in her long career - you are a couple of jokes, the pair of you.
You couple of Tory-Boys really are going above and beyond the call of duty.
One more try- without the smokescreens and the bullshit:
You have yet to explain how you found four Tommy Kennys while you couldn't find one Jerry Carroll
You have to produce another version of Tommy's Story
You have to explain how this war of attrition – sending wave after wave of young men to their deaths – was not efficient butchery but good leadership
You have to explain how "good leadership" led to the defeat at Loos – The Dardanelles, the massive loss of life at the beginning of the Somme, the wrong ammunition fiasco and the internecine in-fighting that was taking place between the wartime Government and the Military...... and all the other sit that happened, can possibly be described as "good leadership"
No hurry – we've waited this long
Jim Carroll