The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158884   Message #3761521
Posted By: Bill D
29-Dec-15 - 10:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Fear WITH Guns
Subject: RE: BS: Fear WITH Guns
No one here... or in the media... seems to have made the relevant point about the shooting of Tamir Rice. Finally last night a lawyer for his family said it.

It is not whether the kid's gun was real or not, or whether the cops were 'scared' or not.... it was that, given what they knew, driving right up in front of him was totally stupid and NOT in line with standard procedure! The investigation took over a YEAR as they scoured the country looking for 'experts' who would testify that the shooting was justified. Then the defense ridiculed the prosecution experts in front of the Grand Jury!

IF they had stopped 20-40 yards away and assessed the situation and called out to him, they could soon have determined what was going on! People seem to have also lost the point that both of those cops had previous bad employment reviews, and the one who did the shooting had been fired by another town with a note that he should not be in law enforcement.

That is my take on that particular incident... what I wonder is why no one except me seems to be addressing Ebbie's original question. Did anyone actually read my longish post attempting to put some perspective on the idea of "fear WITH guns" by police?