The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26028   Message #3761529
Posted By: MGM·Lion
29-Dec-15 - 10:55 AM
Thread Name: Wraggle Taggle Gypsies in translation
Subject: RE: Wraggle Taggle Gypsies in translation
It has perhaps been noted before on the umpteen [see above!] threads on this fine, familiar and widespread ballad, Child #200; but in case not, it should be observed that, when in the last of Dorothy L Sayers' Lord·Peter·Wimsey novels,"Busman's Honeymoon"* [1937] His Lordship finally gets to marry his Harriet after a long and difficult courtship thru 3 other books, Ms Sayers entitled the first two chapters 'New Wedded Lord' and 'Goosefeather Bed'.


*I think that, for a book in which a famous detective and his detective-novelist bride find a corpse in their honeymoon home and help the local constabulary to investigate, an exceedingly witty & referential title.