The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158893   Message #3761590
Posted By: Deckman
29-Dec-15 - 04:03 PM
Thread Name: Obit: Paddy Graber (1925-2015)
Subject: RE: Obit: Paddy Graber (1923-2015)
I wonder how many folks remember, or even new, that Paddy was a "Frogman" in World War 2. He was in the Canadian Army and was trained as a member of a "UDT". (Underwater Demolition Team). They were dropped off in the night off the beaches of Normandy in June of 1945, swam underwater, with explosives, and wired them to Nazi underwater barricades, and exploded them to clear the way for the landing craft for the invasion of June 6th (as I dimly recall). I still well remember his barrel chest ... a result of years of training and conditioning his body for swimming. bob(deckman)nelson