The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158884   Message #3761962
Posted By: Stu
31-Dec-15 - 07:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Fear WITH Guns
Subject: RE: BS: Fear WITH Guns
"If Rice (5'7"- #195) pulled his stunt at Heathrow today I'd give him 50-50 on survival<"

He was a TWELVE YEAR OLD BOY for fuck's sake; he like Bill D says, he wasn't "pulling a stunt". An even if he had a toy gun at Heathrow (which would be stupid of those who let him take to an airport) I'd bet a pound to a penny he wouldn't have been gunned down without warning.

And though airguns are dangerous for sure, owning one or shooting someone with one is not a reason to kill them. Get some perspective for crying out loud. These are PEOPLE.

The people who know about guns, swat teams, navy seals and all the associated violent and belligerent attitudes that invariably seem to go hand-in-hand with gun ownership are certainly NOT the ones who should be deciding whether our societies should be awash with devices that make it so easy to kill.