The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158817   Message #3762521
Posted By: Jim Carroll
03-Jan-16 - 08:23 AM
Thread Name: History and mythology of WW1
Subject: RE: History and mythology of WW1
"The informed, evidence based opinion of an historian "
It is opinion - Sheffield's brief if not to give such opinions, his opinions are worth no more than anybody else's
The same goes for every other historian past or present.
Whether the war was worthwhile is a philosophical or political subject not a historical one.
You have been given the political outcome, you choose to scurry behind historians you have not read and don't understand - you are defending your right-wing political position and totally ignoring the obscenity that the war was - very Christian of you!!
"Can you name a single historian who holds a different view?"
Society in general holds that the war was an obscenity - that's why this 'Blackadder'/'Oh What a Lovely War' campaign has been launched.
For Christ's sake Keith - if you support this slaughter, say so and stop hiding behind "experts" again - what do YOU think anout it?
Jim Carroll