The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29511   Message #376264
Posted By: Lox
17-Jan-01 - 12:38 PM
Thread Name: Conservative Cavalry Round THREE!!!
Subject: RE: Conservative Cavalry Round THREE!!!
Firstly, I don't see the point in, and I don't enjoy, arguing about things that don't matter to me.

Secondly, I think it's a mistake to seperate issues like gun control from issues like your family, because your family could be affected by the issue.

If abortion isn't a family issue, I don't know what is.

If political argument/discussion is a diversion from the things we care about, then it can only wind up becoming an abstract intellectual pursuit.

When politics becomes abstract, it loses its meaning. The political issue becomes - "politicians are out of touch".

For most people in the world, life is a constant struggle to protect ones family, on the most fundamental level that you can imagine (India, Africa, etc). This struggle for them is what politics is about.

I do not wish to associate myself in any way with the Pat Buchannan idea of the uber-family as a foundation to politics, (as abstract and unrealistic a concept as you can imagine) but I would never dream of trying to seperate politics from family.

Your family is being affected every day by policy decisions. I care about my family, and believe it or not, I care that yours isn't suffering. It is for these reasons that I care about politics.

PS I hope I didn't imply that I thought Guns drugs & cars weren't important issues. I think they are all matters of great importance as they all play a mighty role in most americans lives.

