The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158817   Message #3762829
Posted By: Jim Carroll
04-Jan-16 - 11:31 AM
Thread Name: History and mythology of WW1
Subject: RE: History and mythology of WW1
"Where do you get this shit from?"
From reading Historians Keith not selected cut'-n-pastes
You really don't get it do you.
It doesn't matter of The Pope, Lenin and Mother Theresa supported this war - the fact that so many young lives were "wasted" to quote Gary Sheffield, in order that Britain, France, Belgium, Germany.... could continue exploiting the colonies (it was an Imperial war and was named an Imperial war) makes it evil and total unacceptable to all but the most inhuman right wingers among us
I really don't need anybody to tell me that the sending of wave after wave of young men to their deaths to win yards of territory at a time was an inhuman thing to do - my upbringing and everything I have taken in since tells me it was evil - apparently yours does not - and you have the added burden of being a self-proclaimed Christian.
If you want to prove it wasn't for political and economic gain - show it wasn't.
If you want to show that it wasn't carried out in the way I've described, show it wasn't.
If you want to show it was against tyranny - show how a ruler from the same family as the Queen was any worse or more of a threat to what the British people endured before the war, and specially between the two wars.
Your hiding behind historians you haven't read is morally spineless - if you support this appalling "waste" (Sheffield again)of human life say you do.
Your "historians" defence is really no different than your describing all Muslims as potentiality perverts "because somebody else said they were".   
It wasn't true then and it isn't true now - they were just cover-ups of your appallingly inhuman outlook on life.
Have the balls to defend them on your own behalf and stop hiding behind "historians" and "experts".
Why do you support this obscene "waste" of life -0 I don't give a **** why anybody else does.
No "historian" is qualified to say such expenditure of human life is just - that's the domain of moralists and clergyman.
Jim Carroll
'The Socialist Party of Belgium' stood by and allowed the massacre of ten million Congolese without uttering a word of protest, by the way.