The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158817   Message #3763447
Posted By: Jim Carroll
07-Jan-16 - 08:29 AM
Thread Name: History and mythology of WW1
Subject: RE: History and mythology of WW1
h Jom so you cannot find any direct quote from me stating that - "No Tommy Kenny from Liverpool ever enlisted in WW1" - why not just admit it Jom?"
Why did you claim o soldier of they name came from Liverpool and continue to question his war service?
Yor defencre of this disgusting bloodbath of a war has reached gutter - level between you - hit and run accusations of racism, attacks on veterans reputations 'liars', 'gullible' 'rumour mongers, made up history - and at total refusal to respond to both your behaviour and your crass re-writing of history.
You are fine examples of the jingoist field of historical research, as your bullying is a fine example of the behaviour that has put your rightist Tory Party in the spoltlight.
Answer the ***** points - both of you
Jim Carroll
