The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29674   Message #376360
Posted By: Megan L
17-Jan-01 - 02:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: What's Wrong With Spaw????
Subject: RE: BS: What's Wrong With Spaw????
Spaw you take care now. But I think you did right to post we care about you.

Mind you there comes a point where you just wish folks would haud their wheesht and let you get on with life, 21st November lost my Dad, 21st December lost my Mum in law.

Ifone more person tells me how well I'm coping I might be of line for quite a long while, don't think they'll let me get mc in the jug.

Seriously though mate your an institution around here, they're even thinking of naming the padded ward after you.