The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158987   Message #3764557
Posted By: GUEST,Hootenanny
11-Jan-16 - 09:58 AM
Thread Name: The singers club and proscription
Subject: RE: The singers club and proscription
Jim, May 1965 was when the Ballads & Blues Club ceased operations but not for want of audience.
If you are not keen on pissing contests what is all that crap about "biggest contribution to folk song"?

I don't claim that the B&B made any contribution to folk song. We put on people that our audience enjoyed, and I am sure that Ewan and Peggy did likewise for their audience

I believe that we are already aware that you would prefer the Singers Club to the B&B. Of course you never experienced the B&B personally and I don't claim that it would have changed your mind at all if you had. "Horses for Courses".

I've said it before Jim but you really should lighten up a bit.

Keep smiling, life's too short